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Food Groups


Nurture is a word which is directly linked to our earliest moments of life. It is intrinsically associated with growth, protection and love. While we grow, our parents are the ones who care for the latter by choosing the best options for us to be fed. In year 5, our students start facing the challenge of analysing all the elements which make up the scheme which leads to a healthy nutrition programme.


This project’s takeoff involved having our students looking into “My Plate”  the current nutrition guide published by the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, a food circle depicting a place setting with a plate and glass divided into five food groups. After that, they investigated the nutrition guide which

applies to our country called ”Plato Saludable Argentino”. Our Year 5 students carried out comparisons and contrasts between these two nutrition guidelines and started  drawing conclusions on what each of them involved. Later, they focused their work on the food groups, the central components of the dietary recommendations for the daily intake of calories and essential nutrients. Becoming experts by working in groups on the different food groups and writing reports on their discoveries, they concluded that  while the food groups have evolved as knowledge in the nutrition field has increased, their function remains the same -- to help us make healthy food choices.

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